Beautiful Montana

This past week my family and I headed out to Montana to celebrate my dad’s birthday. It was my first trip to this part of the country and I was absolutely blown away by Montana’s natural beauty. Here are some shots of the breathtaking scenery. Hope you enjoy!

IMG_5066The Montana foothills.MontanaSuch beautiful views of the Blackfoot River from up in the foothills.IMG_5166My sister snapped this shot of me trying to capture the magnificent Montana sunset.Montana SunsetThe sunset over the mountains. IMG_6742Sunset Hill Road.CowsThese cows were so beautiful and just as intrigued by me as I was by them.CowsGentle giants.
MontanaGorgeous views from the restaurant at our resort. Loved the adorable mason jar glasses.IMG_4991The roaring Blackfoot River.

Montana CowsCows grazing as the sun begins to set.
Canoeing in MontanaCanoeing down the Clearwater River.
IMG_5200The water was so clear, the trees were so green and the sky was so blue!
IMG_5274A Montana special…huckleberry lemonade.

Thank you for stopping in! I cannot wait to share more with you all about my trip to Montana.

Have a great start to your week!

xo Tedi

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  1. Heather wrote:

    Beautiful pictures! Makes me want to go.

    Posted 6.2.14 Reply