Ok, guys! I finally have a solution to a question I am asked all the time in regards to holistic canine care: “Is there a natural alternative to conventional flea and tick medications for dogs?” And the answer is: yes!
Earth Animal is a holistic pet care brand I’ve used in the past and they have a line of all natural flea and tick prevention products for dogs and cats. The Nature’s Protection Flea & Tick line is the creation of holistic vet Dr. Bob Goldstein, Earth Animal’s founder, and it is made to be both powerful and effective, without any harmful or synthetic ingredients.
These products were created in response to the concern many pet owners have about the harsh synthetic chemicals in conventional flea and tick medications. If the chemical ingredients in the conventional medications can kill bugs when they latch onto our dog or cat’s skin, what does it do to our pets to put it on their skin, month after month for their entire lives?
So Earth Animal set out to create an effective, all natural flea and tick prevention line with the simple philosophy that our pets should never have to carry or consume insecticides and pesticides. (Amen to that!)
I know the next question is, how does it work?! Earth Animal’s flea and tick prevention line uses a combination of plants, medicinal herbs, essential oils, vitamins and minerals to gently but powerfully repel and protect against fleas, ticks and mosquitos. The ingredients they use are safe and completely harmless to people and pets, but bugs cannot stand them. As they say on their site, their products are pleasant to humans and pets, but bugs find them repulsive.
Since we live in New York City and those types of bugs aren’t as common here, I opted for the Herbal Bug Spray for Pani for those times we do venture out of the city to places with a bit more nature. 🙂 The bug spray has a pleasant minty scent and Pani is totally unphased by it! It actually smells quite nice and it is safe enough for the whole family to use, children and adults too.
But for those of you who live in places where fleas and ticks are more prevalent, Earth Animal’s Nature Protection line also has Herbal Spot-On Treatments that are applied monthly just like the conventional spot-on treatments. That is definitely what I would use if I lived somewhere other than New York City. The all natural flea and tick prevention line also has shampoos, herbal drops, and topical powders.
I hope this information is helpful! I know so many people are looking for solutions like this, so I’m happy to be able to share this option from a brand I already use and trust.
P.S. Want to see something so sweet?! Watch this video of Dr. Bob Goldstein and his wife Susan, the creators of Earth Animal, rescuing an 83 year old lobster from a fish market and releasing him into the ocean! Warms my heart. Swim free, little bud!
Thank you Earth Animal for sponsoring this post!